Tiara Miller Tiara Miller

The uniqueness of a black women never seize to amaze me. God formed us in many different shades, sizes, and mindsets. Some are sassy, classy, mild, or even a little meek! Hey, what’s really important is that you as a black women be strong, be proud, and most importantly be You! My mother is such a wise women, she raised my siblings and I to have confidence, she purposely placed mirrors ALL around the house, as a constant reminder of how much beauty we beheld! So I encourage you to look in the mirror, look past your flaws and see the wonderful creature God created. Allow your light to shine inside your OWN skin, utilize your gifts, live in your truth! As I continue to stand behind the chair, I want to encourage, nurture, and uplift all my black women………Love God, in order to Love yourself!

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Tiara Miller Tiara Miller

Behind the chair…..

I am woman, hear me roar! Women are magical, powerful, and resilient beings! I know this to be true, because to talk with them daily; mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, business owners, therapists, doctors, and so much more! Let us not allow fear, to stop us from walking into our destiny! Certain women come to mind, two lovely sisters who have been long time clients , more like family now! However, they are full of so many gifts and abilities, but haven’t took that leap of faith into their business venture! There is another, she has “magical” crafting abilities to personalize almost anything, even a cute Unicorn club house sign, for my girls. Talk about resilient, I’ve witnessed women go through the horrible process of divorce, loose their mother, care for a sick spouse, and still allow God’s light to shine through them! Let us all be intentional, allowing our light shine this year and years to come!

P.S…”there is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.” Be Determined!

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Tiara Miller Tiara Miller

Behind the Chair…..

Why do women fail at being great? Are we lazy, too busy to focus on Self, or could it be self doubt…. As we embark on a New Year allow me to drop some wisdom. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” Get a plan, stick to it, adjustments may have to be made along the way, however stay the course!

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Tiara Miller Tiara Miller

Many women wonder why…

It all begins with an idea.

Why is my hair not growing? For many years, I’ve listened to women complain or worry about their hair. Well, here are a few reason why….the growth of your hair starts from the within, what’s happening to your body on the inside? Are you drinking enough water? Are you stressed? Are you allowing anyone hands in your head? Well, these are just a few simple things that can cause a delay in your hair growth journey! Self-care can help stimulate hair growth! I will provide to some simple steps I’ve learned on my journey……

  • Start your day off with a prayer, release anything to God that is worrying you!

  • Drink a tall glass of water to start your day, but don’t stop there!

  • Get you One reliable hair stylist, and schedule regularly!

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